Honestly, I don't think he "needs" physical therapy because I still think kids do things in their own time but he seems to enjoy "playing" for the most part and we both enjoy another excuse to get out of the house. After his therapy session we went shopping to get a birthday present for Lucas' friend Kit. Tomorrow we are going to her first birthday party and that should be a lot of fun.

Later in the afternoon we went to my parents house to go swimming. It seems like every time we go to swimming Lucas loves the water even more. After swimming he had a mini picnic in the shade. He was so wore out the second we got in the car he passed out. Once we got home and I put Lucas to bed I went to Wal-mart to pick up a few things for his birthday. I starting to tear up as I picked up a "My first birthday" party hat and put it in the buggy.

I'm totally with Lucas on this one - swimming DOES get better every time you do it.
I think you're holding up remarkably well... I hope I have as much poise when Zoe's first birthday is looming.
I wish you lived closer so we could hang out. I think we'd have such a blast. Enjoy your birthday party weekend!! I'll be thinking about you guys.
What is a buggy? Just kidding, must be a Georgia thing. :-)
he is so prescious...wish i could be there...give him lots of kisses for me
LOL as I was typing "buggy" I knew someone would post something about it :)
Main Entry: 2buggy
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural buggies
Etymology: origin unknown
1 : a light one-horse carriage made with two wheels in England and with four wheels in the United States
2 : a small cart or truck for short transportations of heavy materials
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