Since Lucas didn't really care for his birthday cake at his party I thought I would try again. This time I just picked up these cute tiny little individual sized cakes. Lucas loved his Cinnamon crumble birthday cake and he gobbled it up!

He loved his cake so much he was able to keep on eating while he took off his pesky birthday hat.

After cake Lucas opened his presents. We didn't go crazy and buy him a ton of stuff. We ended up getting him a book called "I Love You," Fisher Price Peek-a-Blocks Vehicle Builders, and Fisher Price Peek-a-Blocks Stack & Nest Blocks.

Lucas loved the Peek-a-Blocks even more then we thought he would. They are really cool and have teeth on them so they are easier for him to stack (they won't tumble over if he knocks into them by accident while he is trying to build a tower.) Also, the Vehicle Builder blocks fit in the stack & nest blocks.

I tried to get a good picture of Lucas in his Old Navy "1 year" tee but it is getting harder and harder to take pictures of him sitting still.

Then it was time for him to change in his PJs, grab his baby, and head to bed.

I surprised myself and didn't actually cry today although I did fell like I was about to a few times (of course it helped that I haven't watched his First Year Montage all the way through yet!)
Good Lord, he is SERIOUSLY cute! Looks like he really enjoyed that cake, and the toys, too! I'm sure he'll get the hang of opening presents better by next year ;)
what a wonderful birthday. Sounds nice and peaceful.
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