Today marks the second week of my new life as a gym junkie. Out of the 6 days the gym was open this past week, I worked out 4. Originally I thought I would be weighed and measured this week but instead all the trainer did was count the number of reps I did on each machine to compare it to my first workout. They only weigh and measure once a month. I still have 2 more weeks to find out if I have lost anything. I am hoping for a pound a week so on the 15th of September I hope to weigh at least 4 lbs less. So far I don't see a physical difference but I can tell that I am more relaxed, more energized, and more motivated then I was two weeks ago. I am very happy I decided to get my lazy butt off the couch and do something healthy for myself, and my family.
Even Curt is happier since I started working out. He enjoys the extra one-on-one time he gets to spend with Lucas. He also gets a few minutes all alone to himself once he puts Lucas to bed. Well, at least usually. Tonight, I walked in the house to find Curt trying to calm down a very upset Lucas. Evidently Curt heard him cry out and he went in to check on him. He found Lucas hysterically crying but still asleep. Lucas had his arms up almost like he was protecting himself. He picked up Lucas to calm him down and Lucas woke up and kept crying. I walked in at this point and walked outside with Lucas to calm him down. When he seemed okay I walked him back into his room and handed him his baby and his paci. He laid down and went right to sleep. The only thing we can think of is Lucas had a night terror epidsode.
A little girl I used to babysit had a recurrent night-terror. She'd sleep-walk while dreaming, and any adult or person she came across in her walk would be covered head to toe with bugs. Poor little thing was TERRIFIED of bugs, so to have mommy or daddy or even the babysitter covered head to toe was a total freak-out for her, especially since I think she started the "walking around" thing at the point in the dream when she thought her BED was covered in bugs.
Hopefully this won't be a recurrent thing for you guys!
And gratz on the gym-going! I always found the hardest part of a work-out routine was the 'getting my butt to the gym' part. You're doing SO great! (I just forgot to mention it what with the night-terros side-track and all lol).
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