Everyday you look more and more like a toddler and less like a baby. The other day I dressed you in a button down shirt and a pair of jean shorts and you didn't look like a baby anymore... so I've been putting you back in your onsies telling myself they are easier to get on you.

It is so funny to watch you play by yourself. You love to "read" books to yourself. You will hold the book in your lap and flip the pages, pause and then say something in "Lucas speak" then flip the next page and pause again to "read" out loud. Maybe the reason I can't understand what you are saying is because you seem to be a fan of reading upside down.

Today we stayed with your Great Grandma Strickland again. She just lights up when you are around. When you lay down to take a nap every five minutes she asks me "Is it time for Lucas to wake up yet?" or "Hasn't he slept long enough." It is a good thing that you only take one nap a day now otherwise she would drive me crazy. I put you in your walker right next to her today and you both entertained each other. She tells you over and over what a sweet boy you our and how much she loves you. I wish you could have known my Grandparents the way that I did and more than anything I wish your Great Grandpa Strickland could have met you before he died.

While we were staying with your Great Grandma you got hungry so I gave you a snack. I peeled a mini banana and set it on your tray to get a knife to cut it into chunks. When I got back I found you just chomping happily away on the banana. The whole thing was gone in about two minutes. No more cutting you banana into little chunks anymore!

Before we went to stay with your Great Grandma we met Kit and her mommy Dre at the mall for lunch. Right before we left Dre bought these things called "Little Dippers" that are supposed to teach you how to use utensils. You are supposed to dip it into your food and suck it off of the end. The dippers come in a pack of two so Dre sent us home with one. After your banana I thought I would let you try it out. I dipped it into your berry applesauce and you happily sucked it off the end. After a while I handed it to you helped you dip it in the applesauce and then I let go. You decided why use 1 "little dipper" when you have 5!

Pretty soon you realized "hey why use only 5 fingers when I have another perfectly good hand over here" I was surprised how effectively you could get the applesauce to your mouth using your hands since it isn't the most solid food. I guess you have been deprived of squishing things like apple sauce in your hands. You were having so much fun I wanted to eat apple sauce with my hands too... or course I fought the urge. Besides if my hands were covered in purple goo how would I clean you up?

When we got home as always Jadie was happy to see you. I think she misses you when you are gone. Without you she is unable to feed her Cheerios addiction. She likes the ones that stick to the back of your diaper the best.

Your teeth are still giving you a hard time and so far you've woken up twice tonight. You just want to be snuggled, kissed, and hugged for a few minutes and then you just want to go back to bed. The last time you got up you had your head on my shoulder and let out a huge yawn and started to wave bye-bye to me, so I laid you down and you went right back to sleep. Oh and did I mention you started saying MA MA this week! It was so worth the wait... all 52 weeks of it (not that I was counting or anything!)
Bugga Bugga, I love you to the Moon and back,
Ma Ma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
The weekly letters are my fave *sighs happily*
Especially liked the great-grandma + baby part and the picture of the two of ou cuddling and the one with him up to his elbows in apple sauce. Oh wait, that's pretty much the whole thing. My bad! ;)
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