This has been a pretty amazing week, but then I am pretty sure I think that about every week that passes. Today at Physical Therapy you cruised for the first time. You saw a few toys that you wanted and took a few steps holding on to the platform in front of you. I was so happy I had tears in my eyes. Your therapist said "Oh wow, that is nice, how long has he been doing that for," (she has been on vacation and you haven't seen her for over a week) She was so surprised when I said "THAT IS HIS FIRST TIME EVER!" She said that you looked like an old pro. Have you been practicing in your crib? Hmmm is that why lately when I lay you down for a nap I hear you laughing and singing to yourself only to open the door and find you standing in your crib not napping? There is also a lot of clapping and encouraging in physical therapy. When we are sitting in the waiting room we can hear clapping coming from the therapy room and you will stop what you are doing to happily clap along.

After therapy we met up with your friend Kit. Usually at least once while you and Kit are together a stranger will come up and ask if you are both twins. I hope you guys get to hang out together and get to become really good friends. How cool would it be to say "hey we've been friends since we were babies?"

Each time you guys get together you seem to want to interact more and more. Today you guys took turns passing drink coasters back and forth. I cannot wait for the weather to cool down again so we can start taking you guys outside to the park to play in the grass, swing, and just enjoy the fresh air.

Right now with the crazy summer heat we always send to end up taking you both to the indoor soft playground at the mall. The play area is nice but there are kids running everywhere. If the strange kids aren't trying to stick their germ fingers in your face them they are pushing Kit down as she walks around. It is so funny how different you and Kit like to play.

You LOVE to climb while Kit is happy to walk around and around. I think one of the reasons you didn't cruise sooner is because by standing and walking you only see from the same point of view. However, by climbing higher and higher things always look new and there is always something new and exciting to reach for (like everything we placed higher thinking "hmmm Lucas can't get this here!" By now we should know better!) It is pretty amazing to watch how high up you will climb. You have this refreshing innocence of not knowing that you could fall and get hurt. You haven't learned how to worry or doubt yourself yet (don't worry your teen years will be here before either of us is ready and should take care of the doubting part and I worry enough about you for 10 people!)

Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
My one and only coherent thought at this time of day after reading this post was "wow... those steps he's climbing on look like giant slices of bread with mold growing on them."
I know... I shouldn't comment so early in the morning. My apologies.
Really cute pictures, as always. Happy Anniversary!!!
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