Everyone that is around you even for five minutes tells us what a happy baby you are. You are even a good sleeper. Tonight has been the second night that I've gone to the gym and the second night your Dad has put you to bed. Each night I come home and ask "did he cry?" partly hoping that even though you don't really cry when I put you to bed that maybe you would at least fuss for your Dad. Each time your Dad tells me that you went down with no problem... just like you do for me. I've missed putting you to bed. I love those extra hugs and kisses each night before I lay you down. Today when I was leaving you were playing in the floor and when you heard me open the door you looked at me. I braced for what I thought would be a few tears and I waved bye to you and told you I loved you. You looked right at me waved and said "bye bye." I was so proud and sad all at the same time. If you Dad even goes out of your sight for 5 minutes to take a shower you are one grumpy baby until he is back. I get a cheerful send off.

This morning you had physical therapy. You really love going. This morning while we were waiting for your therapist Mrs. Laura another therapist came to lead another little boy back to the therapy room. You were mad that you couldn't go and you tried to crawl after them. Two minutes later when your therapist came to the waiting room you practically jumped out of my arms reaching for her. You are so excited about cruising that today when we went to stay with your Great Grandma you didn't want to walk in your walker... you wanted to walk AROUND it.

While we were staying with your Great-Grandma you kept disappearing down the hall and talking to yourself. The hall had a sort of echo effect and you would get louder then softer then louder. It was like you were testing out your voice and trying to see what kinds of sounds you could make. Every once in a while you would peek around the corner at us and give us a big smile. I just let you wander down the hallway by yourself. I knew as long as I could hear you then everything was fine.

One of your favorite toys right now is a little red race car. The car was one of your birthday presents and you loved it from the moment you saw it... or heard it actually. When you push in the race car drivers helmet the headlights turn on and it makes a car sound. No matter what you are doing when you hear this sound you will get the biggest smile on your face and make your own "car noise." Your Dad and I will take turns pushing the race car driver just so we can laugh at the cute little sound you make.

Tonight you got to play with your Little People Noah's ark for the first time. It was a birthday gift from Lindsay, Jimmy, Ben and Ean. (Speaking of Birthdays, this week you also got a brand new baby cousin named Savannah.) First you would put them inside the ark then you would dump them out. Then you would throw them in the air and watch them fall. You also threw them over the ark. You didn't really like the top of the ark on because you couldn't watch all the animals fall on top of themselves.

Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
1 comment:
Good LORD you make cute babies! Seriously, I think you HAVE to have a girl, just so we can all admire how incredibly cute she will be!
And, if I were a millionaire, I'd send you a movie-camera with SOUND so we could all hear the cute baby race-car noises ;)
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