There was no hitting this week which is a GOOD thing but there was also less sleep. For some reason you have decided that napping is evil. No matter how tired you are you will REFUSE to take a nap. I will still try to put you in your crib for a while hoping that you will lay down and snooze. HA HA HA! Instead you stand up in your crib and throw EVERYTHING out. I think there must be a black hole in your room where all of your Pacifiers go. I am seriously thinking about weaning you from your paci this weekend. That way you won't be able to toss it out of your crib and then cry because you don't have it. I think this is the millionth time I have said we were going to wean you from your Paci so we'll see if I really go through with it or not.
Once in a while you will get tired of fighting sleep and you will take a nap. This always happens when we are in the car. This wouldn't be a problem except for the fact you always fall asleep three minutes from our destination. Today for instance you fell asleep on the 10 minute ride to physical therapy even though I spent the two hours before we left trying to get you to take a nap. When I pulled in the parking lot I found you asleep and clutching a plastic 1/4 cup measuring cup. I also spent the two hours AFTER physical therapy doing the same thing. You finally took a nap at 3PM. I was worried that would mean you wouldn't be able to go to bed at 7:30. Luckily you are still an awesome sleeper during the night.

You may be taking a break from Physical and Occupational therapy until I can get your insurance straighted out. It turns out that due to a typo with our address that we didn't get a form we needed to verify that you still qualified. You are doing wonderful though and I know you will just continue to thrive and we will get everything straighted out. You know crawl on your knees 90% of the time. If we see you crawling on your belly we just say "up, up, up" and you get back up on your knees and repeat "uhhp, uhhhp, uhhhhp!" When you crawl on your knees you also always look to see if we are watching and when you see that we are you get this big smile on your face.

You may be taking a break from Physical and Occupational therapy until I can get your insurance straighted out. It turns out that due to a typo with our address that we didn't get a form we needed to verify that you still qualified. You are doing wonderful though and I know you will just continue to thrive and we will get everything straighted out. You know crawl on your knees 90% of the time. If we see you crawling on your belly we just say "up, up, up" and you get back up on your knees and repeat "uhhp, uhhhp, uhhhhp!" When you crawl on your knees you also always look to see if we are watching and when you see that we are you get this big smile on your face.
You no longer eat any baby food and you generally feed yourself all of your food. This is nice because we are able to have a family dinner every night. There is one problem with you feeding yourself though... and she is named Jadie! She is no longer satisfied to clean up the random cheerios that fall on the floor. Instead she tries to stand on her hind legs next to your highchair while you sneak her food from your tray. We have started to put Jadie in her kennel while you eat to make sure that you actually do eat your food.

When we catch you slipping food to Jadie you give us this big grin like "what? I wasn't doing anything!" Sometimes I think you like to share your food with Jadie specifically because we tell you both NOT to. If you are already testing the limits at 13 months I can just imagine what 1 years is going to be like.
You are always climbing on something. If we sit down in the floor with you to play you end up climbing up our bodies so you can get on the couch so you can explore even more. By explore I of course mean reach the stuff on the end tables that would other wise be out of your reach.
Anything you find to pickup ends up being a phone. You love holding things up to your ear and pausing to see if it will "talk" to you. If you get a hold of our cell phones you no longer try to eat them. Instead you hold them up to your ear just like you see us do and wait. You give us this look like "how come everyone wants to talk to YOU and NOT ME! Don't they know I am so much more exciting then you are? I can put my feet in my mouth and make growling sounds all at the same time!"
Your new favorite game is playing peek-a-boo with your door. You will crawl behind it and close it. You laugh until you realize "crap I can't open this thing back up," then you start to cry. So we have to open it back up for you. Instead of crawling our of your room or leaving the door open you push it back closed and cry again. It makes me feel good that you instantly stop crying whenever we open the door and you see that we are still there on the other side.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
1 comment:
Wow! What a big week! Every week when you put up the weekly post, I go "whoa, another week already???" and I can't believe how much your little man is changing! It must just be mind-boggling for you to witness it first-hand.
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