Today we had the pleasure of babysitting our nephew Steven for the day. Lucas and I picked Steven up on the way to Lucas' occupational therapy appointment. On the way there Steven was very concerned and asked "is Lucas really sick? Is he going to be okay?" I was a little worried that Steven wouldn't sit still for an hour and might distract Lucas (only because Lucas' therapy takes place in a giant room full of toys, balls, and bikes... there is even a little slide in the gigantic therapy room.) Steven was great... of course it might have helped that I promised him I would get him a Kids Meal after Lucas' appointment.

After Lucas' appointment we went to my parents' house to go swimming. I figured the pool would get out any extra energy Lucas and Steven had. Usually after therapy Lucas is tired but he still wanted to swim. We left after a few hours because Lucas seemed sleepy and I wanted to take him home to take a nap. When we got home I laid him down and he didn't not want to sleep (he did sleep most of the 20 minutes from my parents' house to ours.) I guess he didn't want to miss playing with Steven.

Steven is a great kid. He doesn't care that Lucas is "just a baby." Steven played all day with Lucas and Lucas followed Steven around every where he went. If Steven left the living room (where we have blocked off so Lucas can't escape) Lucas would protest loudly and Steven would have to return to the "baby zone." Later on in the evening when everyone was finished with dinner except for Lucas, Steven kept him entertained by dancing and making silly faces while Lucas finished up.

Finally after dinner Lucas went to bed right before Steven left. I figured he was so worn out he would sleep great... NOPE! I guess since Lucas' didn't really get a nap today he thought he was taking a nap... he has woken up three times so far and is not in the least bit sleepy. He is currently playing with his Jungle Tree House which seems to be his new favorite toy since he got home from therapy (he does a lot of putting objects into things there.)

Lucas and Steven swimming

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Lucas is such a beautiful boy! He looks just like a cherub angel baby!
Awww!! What a great cousin! Clearly there will be many happy memories and silly stories told of "that time we..." when they all attend each other's weddings :D
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