Today Lucas and I went and visited a church. I really liked it and think we will keep going. It is a really small nondenominational christian church. Right now they are holding services in a meeting room of a hotel downtown. Church starts at 10 AM which is nice. I had already met the Pastor (he is the husband of one of the mom's in our Playgroup) and so I didn't have to deal with that "everyone is looking at me because I am new thing." Also, nobody asked me "so where is your husband?" Even the actual meeting room is perfect. The floor is carpeted so Lucas and crawl, cruise, and scoot around all he wants. I just felt really at peace there.

When we got home we just had a nice quiet day at home with Curt. Lucas played all day long with Jadie. Lucas ended up getting accidentally scratched in the face.
I'm jealous of your Sunday church experience. I keep looking for something similar around here, but it has to be within walking distance, too, so that kinda kills my options. We've been going to a presbyterian church downtown, but we get asked pretty much EVERY time we go "are you new?" and while we know they mean well, it's an unsettling/frustrating experience. Bah, I must stop my ranting.
Glad you had a great day!
The highlight of my days with Grandma are always when you and Lucas come and we get to catch up on gossip and girl talk. It's awesome to have a sister who is a friend too.
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