In our photo album there is a copy of the September 12, 2001 main article from our local paper. Every once in a while when someone is over at our house and flipping through the pages they will stop and stare at the article and a few people have even asked "Why do you have this in there?" I guess most people's photo albums are usually just filled with smiling faces and vacation snap shots but for me the sad moments in life are just as important in remembering as the good ones (this is the same reason I take a post pictures of Lucas crying.) I put the article in our photo album so that one day my kids and even my Grand kids could read it and hopefully see how much life had changed in one day.
I personally didn't know anyone that died on September 11 but that day still stays with me. Curt and I had just celebrated our one month wedding anniversary the day before. I remember I had just left my Intro to Sociology glass and ran to my next class. I heard that the first plane had hit while I was getting situated in my Honors Introduction to Psychology class. Someone had heard about the first plane hitting on their way to class. We thought it was so strange that a plane would hit a big building like that but quickly forgot about it while our professor droned on and talked about mice copulation. Since my classes were done for the day I headed to my car to head home and I reached in my bag to turn my cell phone ringer back on. When I looked at my phone I had several missed calls. I remember calling the first one back (Ashlee #1) and she told me what had happened. I went straight home and sat glued to the TV and crying.
Curt didn't have a cell phone at the time so I anxiously waited for him to come home. I was so scared for some reason that I might never see him again. When he walked in the door I was so glad to see him. He had been listening to the radio all day during work. He hadn't seen any of the news footage yet. We spent that night glued to the TV like we did the rest of the week. I remember thinking that I was glad that we didn't have any children because suddenly the world was a very scary place. I thought about this all today while I watched the news coverage. I cried again as they re-aired the footage. This time I had Lucas' sweet face to look down at and in his face I saw his innocence and found hope.
WATCH "Flight 93" best 9/11 movie ever
I am the anonymous...it won't let me sign in under my name....I rented this movie called " United 93" and it was alright..a couple of hours after watching it this movie can on called "Flight 93" now it was the same movie but man was it so much better...it really went in depth about the events...the people on the plane calling their family's...I cryed the whole movie..it was so good I would tell any one WATCH THIS MOVIE...if you want to know what it was like...this is the movie for you...Love ya Angela
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