My little ham you are another week older. Sometimes you will be trying something new and you will look back at me like "Hey Ma you have the camera ready right? I am about to show off." Maybe you will grow up to be a performer. Today on The View an actor named Adrian Brody was being interviewed about his role in an upcoming movie. He said one of the things that made him comfortable in front of the camera was the fact that growing up his parents were always taking pictures of him. You certainly have that going for you.
I find myself constantly rubbing your head like I used to do to my Troll Dolls (of course you have no clue what a Troll Doll is and you are a very lucky boy for this reason.) I love that your hair is starting to grow and you have this wispy little ringlets.

You love being outside and exploring. Today both of us were getting a little frustrated with each other (you with me because I couldn't give you my full attention because I was helping your Great Grandma and me with you because you kept showing your frustration by hitting me.) Before we climbed into the car to head home I decided to take you outside for a little break so you could have my full attention and explore all at the same time and I could take a few pictures.
You had a blast climbing all over the playhouse peeking in and out all of the holes and walking around it over and over. When you realized exactly what a slide was for your eyes just lit up...

That is until you discovered that the end of a slide means that there is grass. This grass is the very thing in the world you hate more than anything else. If your feet have to touch the grass then your hands cannot touch it at the same time.

Being the smart kid that you are you realized that if by going down the slide that you have to touch the grass then you would just go back up the slide. I was surprised by how far up the slide you went. You tried several more times never quite making it to the top.

When you realized that you weren't going to make it to the top you didn't cry and get frustrated. Instead you found a way to sit in the grass without touching it.

I was also surprised that you didn't throw a fit when you realized that I was no longer standing on the grass with you. Instead you quickly crawled across the grass to the safety of the concrete where I was standing and hugged my leg. You seem to believe that if you love somebody then you are with them 100% of the time (unless you are sleeping.)

Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
1 comment:
1. HOLY COW! It's another week already?! *whimpers*
2. I love the picture of him sitting on the grass without letting it touch him. Totally awesome. I'm certain that he will grow up to be some charming movie-star or stage-actor - he's already got the looks, and the camera-happy momma! He's totally set ;)
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