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Friday, October 20, 2006

Because Standing is Fun

Lucas seems to be feeling better but I woke up with a sore throat. I guess all those sweet baby kisses this week were filled with baby cold germs. All morning long Lucas has been trying to stand up by his own over and over. I guess before we know it he will be walking and really will be a toddler and not a baby anymore.
(click to watch SHORT video)

(he actually stands unassisted for a longer time here)


Anonymous said...

Awww! You know, even as a toddler, he is going to be THE CUTEST ever!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! THAT'S AWSOME!!!this really sucks that I am missing out on so much of his life.Give him a big hug and kiss for me.I will be there in January and we will have a blast

TednLisa said...

Sorry you are sick I gave the long standing video FIVE stars. Way to go Lucas!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness that was so cute! And I love how the puppy rushes in to lick, er, kiss Lucas and make sure he's ok after he 'fell' down from the first standing video. So sweet! - Stacey