Even though it isn't the 15th of the month yet I weighed myself today at the gym and I've lost about 3.5 lbs more. (I say about because I didn't weigh myself until AFTER I worked out and the two other times I've been weighed have been before work outs so I don't know if that makes a difference) So that means in 7 weeks I've gone from 276 to 268 and lost about 8 lbs. Not to shabby if you ask me!
I bought a new pair of jeans this week online... a pair of American Eagle Jeans. I can fit into them (by fit I mean I can button and zip them and not really breath) I am not wearing them out of the house just yet (waiting for the breathing part first) but the fact that they fit (somewhat) made my week. My goal is still to be able to buy a pair of jeans in the store though (they only sell size 16 & 18 online) so I'm not quite there but little goals lead to BIGGER ones. One pound and one size at a time.
I'm still struggling with eating breakfast in the morning. It is so hard to remind myself to eat. By the time I get up and take a shower in the morning and start getting dressed Lucas is awake. Then I have to change him, feed him his breakfast, and usually pack his diaper bag to go do whatever errands, appointments, or playgroups we have during the day. Then it is lunch time and I realize I really haven't eaten anything (or drank anything) yet all day... which I know is SUPER bad. I keep meaning to buy a refillable sports water bottle for myself but keep forgetting.
I would be willing to bet that IF you started eating breakfast or something in the morning (like even a granola bar or an "ensure" drink) you would notive a HUGE difference at the scale next month. The key is to find something easy, fast and good. Try it!!! Good job by the way!!!
I agree with Lindsay breakfast boost the metabolisum (unsure if spelling is correct) Something fast and easy. A sit down breakfast with at least one of your favorite guys would be a great way to start the day
My advice is to just make a loaf of banana bread or something and keep it on the counter, and then when you see it in the morning all you have to do is cut yourself a wedge and add butter (if you want butter) - that at least counts as getting your metabolism going, banana bread tastes good, and it's shockingly low fat (especially without the butter). I know, I am so no help. But the trying counts, right? :D
I'm so excited for you about the jeans - I can't wait 'til you get us a picture of them... you know, once you can breathe. 'Cause breathing is important, I hear lol
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