You are looking less and less like a baby everyday. Tomorrow morning you have your first physical therapy appointment since your insurance has been reinstated. I cannot wait for your therapist to see you. When I talked to her on the phone earlier this week she didn't want me to tell her all the cool things you are doing now. She wants to see them for herself.

You are also acting less and less like a baby. Long gone are the days of two long naps. Now I'm lucky if you get one hour in. If we are out and about you will even go without a nap. You never seem to want to stop to sleep during the day in case you will miss something. You still are a great sleeper during the night though. It seems like as long as it is dark and you can't see your toys you will go to sleep. If the sun is shining you feel like you have to stay up too. For the last 14 months you have spent most of your home life either in your room or the living room. We would push the ottoman between the couch and the chair and you would be contained. It never dawned on me that you would be able to climb on the couch by yourself one day. Well that day has come and you are now into everything. If I turn my back for even a second there you are standing on an end table trying to push off the lamp. I am still waiting for those eyes in the back of my head to come in. I thought they were standard issue for moms.

Today we went to story time at our local library. It was wonderful! The librarian in charge sang songs, passed out instruments, and read Bark, George in funny voices. After she was finished she left all the toys, puppets, and instruments in the floor and all the kids that were there played while the moms talked. You had the best time! Some of your friends from our playgroup were there and you crawled around hugging people. You enjoyed the music so much that in the middle of it you stood up all on your own in the middle of the floor and just bounced up and down before sitting back down. You've been trying for a little bit to stand up without pulling up but you always manage to fall back down before you really stand all the way up. Well today you did it in front of a big group of people and it was so cool!

You really do enjoy music. Today to keep you distracted from climbing on the couch, getting the phone, and calling random numbers I put on your Veggie Tales Silly Songs DVD. You actually sat on your ride on toy while you enjoyed the singing vegetables and tried to sing along with them.
Whenever you see something or do something that is really cool you do this "o" shape thing with your mouth that is really funny. I'm sure you got it from mimicking the expressions that I do when you point at something and go "see." I know this letter is really short this week and I'm sorry but the season premiere of Lost is starting right now.

Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,

Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
1 comment:
He's so cute! And "grown up" looking! How do you stand it??
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