You are turning into quite the little ham. I am still waiting for those eyes in the back of my head to come in. I feel like before I can even blink you are in, on, or under something you are not supposed to be. On top of all of that your OT & PT are working on your walking. I can't imagine what life will be like when you can walk let alone RUN!!!!

Now that you can climb on and over the couch by yourself I can't leave you in the living room alone. This morning I had to wash my face and brush my teeth so while you were playing in your room I closed the baby gate and hurried to the bathroom. You weren't a big fan on baby jail but I don't know what else to do. I could have brought you in the bathroom with me but you probably would have been trying to play in the toilet or trying to eat soap.

Today we saw your Physical Therapist Laura and she was impressed by how big you have gotten and all the new "tricks" you have. You are now going to OT on Mondays and PT on Thursdays (starting next week) Today at PT you stood for so long without holding onto anything. It was really neat! We were supposed to meet some of your playgroup friends after PT but you were so tired we just went home. On the way home we stopped to vacuum out your Grandma Andrea's car. I was worried that the sound might scare you but you just sat in your car seat watching me. Before we even pulled into our driveway you were fast asleep.

You crack me up. For your birthday your Uncle David and Soon-to-be Aunt Ashley gave you a Mr. Potato Head. Every once in a while your Dad and I will catch you crawling around the house with the teeth or eyeballs sticking out of your mouth like a pacifier.

Now that you can climb on and over the couch by yourself I can't leave you in the living room alone. This morning I had to wash my face and brush my teeth so while you were playing in your room I closed the baby gate and hurried to the bathroom. You weren't a big fan on baby jail but I don't know what else to do. I could have brought you in the bathroom with me but you probably would have been trying to play in the toilet or trying to eat soap.

Today we saw your Physical Therapist Laura and she was impressed by how big you have gotten and all the new "tricks" you have. You are now going to OT on Mondays and PT on Thursdays (starting next week) Today at PT you stood for so long without holding onto anything. It was really neat! We were supposed to meet some of your playgroup friends after PT but you were so tired we just went home. On the way home we stopped to vacuum out your Grandma Andrea's car. I was worried that the sound might scare you but you just sat in your car seat watching me. Before we even pulled into our driveway you were fast asleep.

You crack me up. For your birthday your Uncle David and Soon-to-be Aunt Ashley gave you a Mr. Potato Head. Every once in a while your Dad and I will catch you crawling around the house with the teeth or eyeballs sticking out of your mouth like a pacifier.

When we were on our trip to Helen this week you got a mini Mr. Potato head toy. It was a toddler toy and none of the pieces came off. You kept trying to take the green hat off of the mini toy and were getting frustrated that it wouldn't come off. I was just amazed that you recognized the little mini toy as Mr. Potato Head and logically thought that the little one should be just like the "real" one. Since we have gotten home it seems like you keep making sure your "real" Mr. Potato head still works like it should by taking the green hat on and off over and over again.

Being your Mom is so much fun. Tonight I watched you crawl into your Daddy's shoe box and just sit there. I started to push you back and forth over the carpet and you would laugh. Then I attached Jadie's leash to the box and started dragging you back and forth through the living room. Every once in a while you would hop out and go grab another toy to join you on the ride.
After 10 minutes of pulling you around the house I left to go to a bible study. For the first time you actually cried when I left. You stood there waving bye-bye and crying and it just broke my heart. Tonight when I got home I found your shoe box in the living room with more toys inside. I'm sure your Daddy cheered you up giving you more rides in your shoebox car. Lately he has gotten really great with calming you down and cheering you up. He has even invented the Lucas song which works wonders (he just sings your name over and over to the beat of whatever song happens to be playing at the time.)
He is looking more and more like Daddy the bigger he gets! Or, is that just me?
How many weeks was Lucas when I got pregnant, if I'm 38 weeks (and one day) today? The baby-brain is not so fond of the math.
25 weeks. I cheated and used a calculator
Hey I guess loving the potato head runs in the family. Thats funny that he tried to pull the hat off of the Mcd's one.
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