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Sunday, October 15, 2006

The Hugging Game

Today Lucas hasn't been feeling to good. He woke up early (for him) at 8 AM and was up for a few hours and then he went back to bed at about 11:00 AM and slept until 5:30 PM and I just put him back to bed a few minutes ago. When he woke up this morning he had a runny nose and a tiny cough which seems to be pretty much gone. We had a busy day planned but decided to keep Lucas home so he could rest and get better. Curt stayed with Lucas while I went to church and the grocery store.
Before he went to bed he wanted to play his new favorite game. He would hug his bear then pass it to one of us to hug and then it would be his turn again. Just when I thought the game was going to last all night Lucas bit the bears ear and then threw it on the floor. Oh, and yes I realize that he doesn't match. The cold nights have snuck up on us and I haven't gotten Lucas any warm pajamas yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not all clothes have to match. He looks comfy, and I guarantee he doesn't mind if he's color coordinated or not ;)

Hope he's feeling better soon, and hope you don't catch his cold!