We left Savannah Sunday afternoon and got to Orlando later in the evening. You went to bed around 11:00 PM and at 12:30 AM you woke up screaming uncontrollably. The only way I got you to stop was to give you a bubble bath at 1 AM and let you brush your teeth.
I finally figured out you were teething and gave you some Tylenol which seemed to help. You finally fell back asleep around 2 am which means I didn't get much sleep before our 6:30AM wake up call.

We headed to Epcot first thing Monday morning.
The first Disney Character you met was Figment. You were not thrilled about meeting him and you kept trying to jump out of my arms and run away.
Since you didn't get much sleep the night before you feel asleep pretty early and snoozed on your Great Grandma for a little bit.
While you were sleeping the Grandma's stayed with you while Matthew and I rode a ride. It was a boat ride through Norway and it was probably good you were sleeping and didn't go because it had "scary" parts on it.
Since you didn't like meeting characters while you were awake I took you to see Snow White and Dopey while you were still sleeping. You stayed asleep for a pretty long time and only woke up because of the live music playing where we ate lunch. You woke up hungry, happy and ready for more fun.
You loved all the music you heard at Disney. One of the shows you really enjoyed was hearing the Voices of Liberty at the American Adventure.
Around 5PM we were all tired and wanted to take a break so some of us decided to leave the park and go back to the hotel and rest for a while.
We ended up taking a boat ride across the Lagoon before exited the park and you loved every minute of it. You most get your love of boats from your Grandpas.
When we got back to the hotel you wanted to explore the giant playground instead of taking a nap.
You have never watched a Disney Movie before but I think you recognized Buzz Light Year from a toy at your Grandparents' house.
Buzz was so enormous that I couldn't safely get a picture of you standing in front of all of him. I would have had to back up farther from you then I wanted. If you decided to run off I couldn't grab you quickly.

After changing clothes and taking a break in the room Matthew and I headed to MGM studios and you went with the Grandmas back to Epcot to watch a fireworks show called Illuminations.
It was nice to walk around Disney without carrying a 2o+ pound baby around the park but I did miss you when I saw things you would like to see. While we were there Matthew and I went on the Tower of Terror which your Dad would have NOT liked since he is afraid of heights.
You slept a lot better Monday night and Tuesday morning we went to Animal Kingdom. When we entered the park there were Characters just hanging out so I took you to meet them. You seemed a lot happier meeting Friar Tuck sitting in the safety of your stroller than you would have if I was holding you next to him.
We didn't stay long at Animal Kingdom because we wanted to go to Magic Kingdom (and the Grandma's wanted to go to Epcot so we split up.) We did go on the Safari ride before we left and you enjoyed seeing wild animals a lot more than you did the "tame" ones.

Magic Kingdom was the busiest of all the parks because it is the most popular. It was a little stressful not to have the Grandmas with us since they helped me with you so much the day before but Matthew was a big help.
You adore Matthew and he was wonderful at cheering you up and distracting you when you wanted to get down when we were waiting in line (or at the hotel so I could take a shower.)
One of the first things we did at Magic Kingdom was get on this ride that takes you around Tomorrowland. A very small part of the ride was in the dark and you weren't scared but I think you were wondering where on earth we were taking you and if I would force you to meet more strange characters when we got there.
You were having so much fun you just passed out in the stroller without warning. Matthew and I ended up eating lunch while you were sleeping. While we ate we had to fend off the birds that are all over Disney just waiting for you to drop food. Your stroller got pooped on three times (each time landing on your tray) and Matthew and I just missed being pooped on when a bird pooped right in between the both of us.
When we finished lunch Matthew went to ride on a ride that babies weren't allowed on and I watched a parade while you napped on. I was surprised how you just kept right on sleeping through all the noise and the people. You woke up after the parade just as I found Matthew because some kid was standing near us and loudly started to call for his mom.
You woke up ready to have some more fun so we headed over to Tom Sawyer Island and you had a blast exploring and playing with Matthew.
The island has a fort on one side of it complete with a water well. You thought it was funny to stand in the water bucket and I had a hard time getting you to get out of it. Don't worry, the well was boarded up so you were perfectly safe.
Your very favorite ride out of all three parks you went to was It's a Small World. You just loved all the bright colors, dancing and singing characters, and the fact that all of this took place while you were sitting in a boat.

Instead of riding It's a Small World for a third time we went and saw more Disney Characters. I don't know why I kept taking you to see them since you didn't like them but since they never made you cry I figured you weren't suffering too much.

Your least favorite character was Donald Duck. You kept trying to escape and you would point at the Disney Photographer like "Hey man, put down that camera and save me! Oh yeah and Stop calling me Princess!!" The Disney Photographers kept thinking you were a girl which is making me consider you being a hippy baby after all.

The very last character you met was Snow White. I know you had already had your picture with her the day before but this time you were awake. You actually liked Snow White and I think it had something to do with her wearing "normal clothes."
After the Character meet and greet we took you to a big gift shop where I let you pick out a few things. You went straight for the pink mouse ears.
Matthew and I helped convince you that the black mouse ears were ever more fun than the pink ones and we got your name stitched on the back of the hat.
After the gift shop we rode It's a Small World for the second time and you danced and hugged your Mickey Mouse key chain through the entire ride. I wish every time you were sick or sad that we could just hop on It's a Small World because of I don't know if I have ever seen you as insanely happy as you were for the few minutes in that little boat.
Pretty soon it was the end of the day and time to watch the big Fireworks show before the park closed. You weren't scared of any of the loud noises. You happily munched on some snacks while you watched the sky fill up with bright colors.
After all of the rides closed we hung around to take a few more pictures. All in all it was a pretty good trip. You had an amazing time and you were well behaved. I was surprised by how much you DID NOT get frustrated. You even started saying "gee" for sippy when you wanted a drink. I was probably the one that was the big baby always complaining how much my feet hurt from walking or my back ached from carrying you around (you couldn't take the stroller in the lines for the rides) or how tired I was. I always missed your Dad and wished he could have seen all the fun you were having. Maybe we'll get to go back when you are older (and can stand in line without someone holding you.)
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
What a fun trip! You guys look so happy :-) Glad you had such an awesome time.
I KNEW IT!!! You big 'ol liar, I bet that was so much fun! I am pretty adventureous but I don't know if I would go for a trip with BOTH Grandmas and a 1 and a half year old. Good for you! What cool pictures! I can't believe what a big boy Lucas is becoming.
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