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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Dear Lucas (87 Weeks),

Today has been such a strange day. For some reason you got up at 5 AM... which is about three hours earlier than you normally do. I was exhausted since I had gone to bed just a few hours before that since I was trying to look for something I thought I had lost. You were so wide awake and happy. You got to tell your Daddy "bye-bye" when he left for work at 5:45 (I hope this doesn't happen again.) It was still dark outside and I walked you through the house showing you that the whole house was "night-night." I brought you into our bed thinking that you might lay with me and go to sleep. Ha!
You laid down for about 10 seconds cuddling with me and then you thought it was playtime. I told you "if you don't lay down then I'm going to put you back in your bed." You would instantly lay down until you couldn't take it anymore and you would get back up. I would say again "Lucas if you don't lay down and go to sleep you have to go to your crib," and you would lay back down until you couldn't sit still any longer. Finally you just gave up and said "nigh-nigh" and held your hands up for me to pick you up and carry you to your bed. It is nice to know I can now give you two choices and you can figure out the consequences of each! When I took you back to your own bed you instantly went back to sleep.
I'm not sure what time you ended up back asleep but we didn't wake up until around 11 AM. I realized that we had missed a few phone calls and found out some of our friends were headed to the park. I knew if we just stayed in we would both be lazy and tired (OK I would be and you would be full of energy) so I decided to head out to Forsyth.
Today you were actually really nice to your friends (for the most part.) You shared your goldfish and held Katie's hand instead of trying to push her. I think you also said Katie's name once. This week your vocabulary has just exploded. You've just now started to say "cracker, baby, book, cook, help, night-night," and a few more I know I am forgetting. You also try to repeat just about every word we say to you. You've also been signing "more" lately... the only problem is sometimes we don't quite know what you want more of. If we ask "what do you want more of Lucas?" you will just sign "more" over and over and nod your head frantically.
It is funny to think that with all of the toys you have you are happiest when you are outside and enjoying the fresh air and exploring or playing with things like bubbles and balls. I can't wait for the water to get a little warmer because I am pretty sure we are going to spend a huge chunk of time in the water.
You can make friends anywhere. I love how you have no bias or judgement when you first meet a person. To you everyone deserves a smile or a wave and you don't just walk to the other side of the park because someone is sitting on a park bench making flowers out of other plants to make money. I think the man was so happy to have you to "talk" to and loved having your smiles and attention focused on him that he made you and Katie each a flower for free. Since you have been born I have started to smile and make eye contact with strangers that we pass instead of just hurrying pass them in self-absorbed in my own little world.
You now eat you food out of grown up dishes and will only use a full sized fork or spoon at dinner. If it is just me and you it is okay to still give you a baby spoon and a sippy cup but if you are eating with your Dad you have to have grown up things. You copy things I do too but you want to be just like your Dad. If he is wearing a hat you have to wear one if he is taking a shower you have to take one too. If he has his keys you will run and get your toy keys. You make your Dad light up like a Christmas tree.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,

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