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Friday, March 30, 2007

Lucas the Bully

I haven't been feeling so hot lately, I think it is a combination of lack of sleep from Lucas' latest crazy schedule and a touch of mild food poisoning from the other day. I've been sucking it up for the most part and going out anyway since Lucas behaves so much better when he isn't stuck in the house. Today we went to visit with some of our friend's from playgroup that have a new baby. The baby was adorable and tiny and helpless and just showed me I am so not ready for one of those things again (at least right now.) Lucas LOVED the little baby.

Everything was going smoothly until Lucas was playing in Logan's room and Logan climbed into his Tonka truck and Lucas tried to climb in with him and couldn't fit. I don't know if Lucas thought it was his (since he has one just like it at home) or what but he flipped out and SMACKED Logan right across his face. I was so embarrassed! I immediately took Lucas out of the room away from everything and made him sit in timeout and explained for the millionth time that we don't hit and when the time out was over I marched him in the room and told him to tell Logan he was sorry. He gave Logan a big hug and they went back to playing. We left soon after that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know we could have passed germs to you. Shane is sick T H I S time and he has been since Tuesday. (He seems better during the day but then gets sick at night or early morning) So it just proves he is our stay sick for a week kid UGH!!!!