You seem to be the wildest when we stay in all day and don't go anywhere. Since we have had so much going on lately we just stayed at home today and I tried to get the house clean while you followed along behind me "uncleaning it." Even though you are full of energy you will always sit still for me to read to you. Usually all I have to do is ask you to go get a book and you will grab something off your shelf and we will sit and read. You used to just grab a random book off your shelf but now you always bring me "My Big Truck Book" which is basically a picture book of all kinds of trucks. You always say "ruck bok" when you hand it over. You turn the pages and always repeat me whenever I say the word "truck."
You are talking up a storm these days. Here are a list of just some of the words you are saying:
Gee (Sippy)
night night
Papa (for Grandpa)
I love how you say "Bob" and "Larry" and point them out whenever you see anything relating to Veggie Tales. You only say "poo-poo" when we let Jadie out to go potty. You stand on the front porch and yell at the top of your lungs "POO-POO." I think you are trying to encourage Jadie to go her business. You also now do the sign for milk and more. I think you get your love of Dairy foods from your Aunt Lori because you will stand in front of the fridge and sign "milk" and say "cheese!"
By now I should know not to be surprised by anything you do but I always am. Well, this morning you tried to sneak by me with your paci in your mouth. For about a year now you have only had your paci when you were going to bed (or if we are out and it is nap time but you can't quite go to sleep yet.) Anyway, I took it from you and explained for the millionth time that you can only have your paci if you are going to bed. You looked up at me and angrily pushed me. In my sternest mommy voice I said "you can either be nice to mommy or you can go to time out!" You turned around and marched yourself to the time out chair (your rocking chair.) That's right you actually PUT YOURSELF in time out!
I followed behind you and said "you can get up now..." and you started to climb down "if you are ready to be nice to Mommy and give me a hug to tell me you are sorry," and you climbed back up in the chair. I had to turn and walk out so you wouldn't see me laugh. After about a minute you called for me by saying "Up!" When I went in the room you gave me a hug and got down from the chair and went right back to playing. Boy do I have my work cut out for me!
You are my little shadow. When your Daddy got home I went to take a shower and some how you figured out how to open the door. You go crazy anytime you hear the water running and still LOVE to take baths. You are such a little fishie. You slide yourself around from one end of the tub to the other on your belly. I can't wait to take you swimming this summer.
I hope your love of hygiene lasts well into the teen years. Giving you your toothbrush is a way to distract you when I'm trying to get stuff done. Tonight you must have brushed your teeth for thirty minutes while I cooked dinner. You also love to put lotion on your hands and imitate the way I put it on myself after I take a shower.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
Mama (also known as Lucas' personal jungle gym)
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