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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dear Lucas (90 Weeks)

I can't believe how fast each week is inching closer to your second birthday and how grown up you are. Everyday you are learning more and more words that I can't remember them to write them all down. You seem to repeat everything that we say. Luckily none of those repeated words have been bad words! I just know they are coming and please, please, if you HAVE to copy a bad word copy your Daddy and not Mommy while she is driving. If you copy me I will never live it down because I am ALWAYS the one reminding your Dad to remember to clean up his language (which he as gotten so much better at for the most part.)

Officially as of this week all of your cousins on both sides now live in the same city. My only real regret has been that you aren't as close to your cousins as I pictured you being when I was pregnant. I know you are still young but I hope it changes as you get older. I always hated that I didn't really get to grow up with my cousins and don't know all of them well.

I have really come to love your bath time. You would stay in the bath all night if you could and bath time allows me to get so much done. I'm always multitasking while you are splashing around in there. Right out side the bathroom door is our Washer and Dryer and linen closet so I stand in the bathroom door and fold and put away laundry. Maybe I should start taking advantage of the setup more and have laundry and bath day. I wonder how wrinkled a toddler gets after a 4 hour bath. I also use your bath time as time to clean the bathroom (which you would think would be cleaner with the amount of time you spend in the bath.)

Our evenings are my favorite part of the day. I love how snuggley you seem to get and that we are all together. The mornings are fun too but your Dad is always at work when you get up during the week. We've both been spoiled the past few days since he has had to stay home from work because of the horrible pain from his tooth. Everyday he stayed home from work he got up with you and went through your morning routine without even waking me up. He went back to work today and I know you missed him. I think you like the evening time best as well. We eat dinner together and just hang out. After dinner you usually have a bah and brush your teeth and then we retreat to your room to read story after story. I love how you will just sit on my lap and let me read several books in a row. We always end with Snuggle Puppy because it has lots of "I love you"s and kisses in the book. Then we retreat back to the living room to give Daddy hugs and kisses and then one of us tucks you in.

Honestly, I don't know how you get any sleep anyway. Your crib is quite a crowded place. You have animals lined up on both sides. Every night it seems like you want to bring a different toy to bed and none of the original ones are allowed to leave. We also just put the Snoopy that plays music on your crib because you've been wanting to listen to his lullabies over and over (you were never into him before) and you will give him a tug one time before you lay down to go to sleep. In the morning when you wake up there are toys all over the place and you are usually standing in the middle of them ready to start your day.

Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,

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