This week we started meeting friends at the park near our house for morning walks. I have been slacking lately going to the gym and want to be a good example for you by being healthy and fit. It is a lot more fun to exercise outside with you then by myself at the gym. You don't mind being in your stroller as long as we are moving but at soon as we stop you want "Up! Up! Up!"
After our walk today we stopped by the playground which is right next to the walking path. We didn't stay long because you weren't interested in playing as much as you were in wondering off and exploring on your own, plus it was getting close to your nap time. By the time we got home you were so sleepy you could barely keep your eyes open. Lately you wake up about 8:30, take a nap at noon, and then go down at night between 7:30 and 8PM.
When we got home you wouldn't take a nap before you checked on your flowers. I'm so happy they aren't dead yet! "Flowers" is another word you've started to say this week. You also now say "water, help, and elephant." I think you might have copied your dad when he said "butt head" today but he swears you just said "bubble"... let's hope so. I guess there are worse words you could say but I don't want you going to playgroup calling your friends "butt heads" either. You also said the best word ever this week but I'll get to that in a minute.
This week you started putting together words all on your own. Sunday night while I was feeding your fish (who still doesn't have a proper name) you told him "eat fish!" It was so cute. You've been telling Jadie to go poop for weeks now but I don't count that because you are standing on the porch screaming "Jadie!.... Poo-Poo!" instead of saying "Jadie, Poo-Poo," just so you know there is a difference. You've also been introducing different toys to your fish. Today you grabbed a red plastic fish that goes with your play food set and held it up to your fish and said "Fish" then turned to the toy and said "Fish." I guess you figured they would be best friends forever since you tried to shove the plastic fish into the hole in the aquarium where we feed the fish. You didn't seem too upset that the fish couldn't fit in the tank, instead you carried it over to the computer where it is sitting in front of me right now.
I guess you figured if the toy fish can't be with the real fish he would feel most at home by our computer since our background is of you, your Dad, and a fish. Lately we have to keep a picture of your Daddy up so you can randomly go to it when he isn't home. You like to talk to him and wave at him.
You and your Dad are two peas in a pod. You are always pretending to be him by putting on his hat, grabbing some keys, kissing us on the cheek and going to the door and saying "bye!" while waving. He is almost always the one that gets you up from your nap now and when you see him you do this happy little dance in your crib. I know before long the two of you will be ganging up to play practical jokes on me.
The two of you have this special game that you play together. He puts his legs over the arm of the chair and you climb up and he flings you up and down in the air until his legs can't take anymore. You think it is the greatest game in the world. Now when I need to get something done I say "Hey Lucas Daddy wants to play the feet game" and before I can finish you are running towards him. If his legs aren't hanging over the arm of the chair you will pull on his legs and feet and help him get in the right position.
There are only two things your Daddy dreads in the world. The first is changing stinky diapers (which he does anyway so you can never doubt he loves you!) which he always gags through and I can never stop laughing when he does. The other thing he hates is blowing bubbles. It isn't the blowing bubbles itself that he hates but that they never seem to end. No matter how many bubbles he has blown you always demand more. Tonight when I was making dinner I told you to come here because I had your bubbles. When your Daddy heard that I could see him cringe... he didn't realize I had finally found your bubble tumbler that lets you blow bubbles all by yourself without spilling them everywhere. Tonight he was the one telling YOU to blow more bubbles over and over.
You and Jadie have been playing so well together lately. You guys chase each other up and down the hall, play tug-a-war, and fetch the ball so much that it really is like you have a sibling to play with. I'm so glad we have her because I can only imagine how bored you would be without her.

This week you could have learned to talk in complete sentences with correct verb conjugation or write your name in cursive or gotten a job and I wouldn't have been impressed by any of those things. I am just happily floating on a cloud because you have gone from calling my "mama" to "mommy." You've also flirted with the idea of calling your Dad "Daddy" but seem to think that "Dada" just suits him better.
This week you could have learned to talk in complete sentences with correct verb conjugation or write your name in cursive or gotten a job and I wouldn't have been impressed by any of those things. I am just happily floating on a cloud because you have gone from calling my "mama" to "mommy." You've also flirted with the idea of calling your Dad "Daddy" but seem to think that "Dada" just suits him better.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
Mommy (I'm thinking of legally changing my name!)
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