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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday Payton

Today was a VERY busy day. Curt actually took Lucas for an outing and left me at home alone. I have NEVER been home alone since Lucas has been born. Just as I was about to take a shower and decide how to best enjoy having a house to myself Curt calls and tells me he hurt his tooth and needs a Dentist NOW! We finally find a Dentist open on Saturday and I have to meet him and Lucas there. It turns out Curt has an infected tooth and has to take antibiotics and then come back Thursday and have the tooth pulled. He is in serious pain and probably will be forced to take his vacation this week (he wanted to go to PA this summer so he is really bummed out.) We waited for him to get finished since I didn't know if he could drive himself home and then Lucas and I went back to the house and had enough time to grab a present and change Lucas' clothes and head to our THIRD BIRTHDAY PARTY IN A WEEK!
The birthday had a princess and pirate theme and the kids were encouraged to dress up. I did my best to dress Lucas up and even sewed a stuffed parrot he had to his shoulder and tried to draw on facial hair. Since he had a parrot on one shoulder he wanted me to put his rubber duckie on the other one but it just wasn't happening. I did all of this in five minutes and we were out the door in a hurry because I didn't want to be late, of course we got stuck in 10 MPH traffic on I-95 and ended up being late anyway.
When we finally got to the party Lucas' got an eye patch (the girls got crowns) which he wore for less than five seconds.
There was a fun bounce house in the shape of a castle.
Lucas got tired of bouncing and hung out in the baby pool with no water. He is such a ham.

Princess Payton, the birthday girl. We left a little while after cake because Lucas was tired and starting to be a bully. See more pictures HERE
When we got close to home I noticed there was a fire truck really close to where we lived. I started to freak out thinking that something was wrong with Curt (I didn't have my cell phone on me) As we pulled into our driveway I saw that the truck was at our neighbors house (we still don't know why.) Lucas was VERY excited to see a "fur ruck" in real life, especially since his favorite book lately has been his Truck book that his Aunt Lisa and Uncle Ted gave him.

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