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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Lucas' First Easter Egg Hunt

Since it is the week before Easter we had an Easter Egg hunt at playgroup today. I've been so excited all week that I could hardly wait for this morning. Lucas got the hang of the whole egg hunting thing pretty quickly. It was so much fun to watch him pick up his first Easter egg.
Before Long he was an egg hunting pro.
He "gave up" pretty soon into the hunt because he was dying to know what was inside the few eggs he picked up.
When he couldn't get his eggs open he decided it would just be fun to throw them and he kept calling them "balls."
I can safely say it was a very successful egg hunt! You can see more pictures here
After the hunt was over Lucas turned from happy egg hunting kid to little bully. I don't know what his problem is lately but he will be playing nicely with the other kids and then suddenly he will hit or push someone. When he kept doing it again today I took him into a room where we were alone and put him in timeout and explained for the millionth time we don't hit. When I took him back to apologize by hugging Katie (his favorite victim) he tried to take her toy and grab her shirt. It made me feel even worse that she was being so forgiving and standing there with her arms open wanting a hug and Lucas was STILL being mean. I was so frustrated that I ended up grabbing Lucas and all of his stuff and just leaving.
Right as I walked out of the door Stacey asked me if I was okay and I just started to tear up and I explained how frustrated I was with the whole hitting issue. I wonder sometimes if I'm not doing a good enough job at this whole parenting thing. I don't know if I'm doing time out right or if there is something else I should be doing. I don't want Lucas to be known as the bully of the group. She gave us a hug and told me she understood and ended up calling me later and we talked about it again. It really means a lot to have such wonderful friends.


Anonymous said...

This is really wonderful...and the photos are absolutely beautiful...looks like it was a great day filled with fun...and well for some more joy and spirit of Easter do drop by my blog on Easter Greetings and enjoy all that i've posted there!!!

Anonymous said...

I know it isn't much comfort but, Lucas is no different that any little boy they tend to be more aggressive that girls. You are doing a beautiful job.

Lini said...

Oh Kari, his hitting and being aggresive has nothing to do with you! Some kids are just like that. It's tiring, frustrating, all those things, but you're doing a great job! I've only ever seen you handle any hitting/aggressive situation with grace.

I was recently speaking to the mother of another agrresive child, venting mostly, feeling just... lost about it, and she advised to just keep doing what you're doing and eventually it'll get better. I keep trying to remind myself that... even if you're saying, for the zillionth time that day, "We do not hit other people. That hurts. Please be gentle," and they walk away and hit somebody for the zillionth-and-one time that day, and you have to do the whole spiel over again, they will eventually get it. Just keep going, and know that there are many of us here who know what you're going through; we're here to support you, offer an ear to vent to, and a shoulder to cry on.

Lini, mama to bully Hannah. Who has also been taken away from playgroups early because of aggressive behavior.

Tara said...

I completly understand the frustration you are dealing with! If you recall the last time I went to Chic Filet with you guys I left early out of frustration with Sophie. I was in tears before we even got out the door! I felt like such a bad mother, that somehow I was not being consistent enough in my discipline and maybe reapeating something for the zillionth time was not enough that I needed to repeat it more! I was so frustrated and upset when I got home because that whole week and the week prior I had been dealing with behavior that was not appropriate in public and was not able to get anything done. I was so emotionaly done. If you ever need to vent I am here! You are in no way a bad mother, I have to keep telling myself that this is the stage of being a toddler and it too shall pass:)