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Friday, May 11, 2007

The best kind of love

Today Lucas and I spent our afternoon with our friend Brandi. Lucas has only met Brandi a few times but he adores her. Brandi packed us a picnic lunch that she made herself and even packed Lucas' in a special little bag that he proudly carried to the park as he held her hand. A few times when Brandi walked away for a few seconds he got upset and would only calm down when she came back. She chased him around the playground and pushed him on the swing. For the first time I got to sit back and just really observe him playing.
I always love spending time with Brandi because she is such an amazing person(I'm not just saying that because she fed us an delicious lunch or because I know she might be reading this either.) Watching her with Lucas though gives me a whole new appreciation for her because Brandi's love for Lucas is the best kind- the kind bestowed by choice.

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