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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Who else can say they won a vibrator from a radio station?

Today I picked up my prizes from the contest I won on Friday. I won a gift basket from Laura Mercier and one from Passion parties. The Laura Mercier basket is awesome! I ended up getting a sugar scrub, body wash, honey bath, perfecting water, purifying oil, flawless skin creme, eye basics, two lip glaces.

The Passion Party basket came with this cool massage mitt among other things! I think they accidentally gave me the Passion Parties basket for the 6th-10th place winners but I didn't realize it until I got home. I don't think I'll do anything about it either. I would feel like such a loser calling and saying, "Hey, I didn't get all my free stuff!" Besides I'm kind of scared of what might be in the basket I was supposed to win.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you don't think you're gonna use it, you could always hook a sister up. And that's not a proposition...