This morning I left Lucas with Curt so I could go to a baby shower. By the time that I got home Lucas was napping and he didn't wake up until after Curt had left to go have some guy time with his friends. When I went to go get Lucas up I realized how hot it was in his room (thank goodness it rained today and it only got up to 87!!) we don't have central AC so Lucas has a window AC unit that Curt forgot to turn on. When Lucas stood up in his crib I couldn't believe what he was wearing... heavy sweat pants, a t-shirt, and then a romper that fit him last summer that was only on one shoulder. Lucas can't dress himself so I know Curt had something to do with his stylish outfit.
lol. at least it matches :)
That's great! The layered look is in, so I guess Curt's a pretty stylish guy!
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