Happy 25 months! This is my first letter to you since you turned two. I have always been told that the toddler years were going to be a real challenge and that to watch out because now you would be in your “terrible twos” but honestly so far it has not been that bad (yet.) Sure you are stubborn and strong willed and most the time you don’t want to do what you are told but then again I am 25 and I’m still that way, just ask your Grandma Valeri.

So far this has been my favorite age. Everyday I am surprised by how many new words you are saying and how you are putting sentences together. It has been so much fun to be able to have conversations with you where you actually respond back. The things you say make me laugh so much and sometimes I can’t help but laugh even when I shouldn't. Lately you have a bad habit of ordering me around. “Sit mommy!” “Come here now!” “You do it!” and it is so hard not to laugh when I am being ordered around by a mini dictator.

You are still a wonderful eater and great sleeper. However, you do protest a little before doing certain things. When it is time for bed or a nap you inform us that “you don’t want it,” as if we are just going to decide that since you really don’t feel like going to bed you can stay up forever. Not one single time have you been able to talk us out of putting you to bed but you sure still try.

You also have some strange little habits. If you see your shoes anywhere within your reach you have to put them on right that minute. It does not matter if you are just in your diaper or fully clothed, you need to put your shoes on right at that moment. The really odd thing is usually you only want one shoe on. You will walk around for hours with just one shoe on. You still call your Dad “honey” all the time. I think part of him thinks it is cute and the other part is driven crazy by it. I am sure you got it from us calling each other honey but you don’t call me honey, just your Dad. He also swears when it is just the two of you then you only call him Daddy.

You are becoming quite the little Picasso. You will spend hours a day coloring and drawing. I was really surprised when over night you went from scribble scrabble to drawing circles. You have also started to try and draw triangles and your newest drawing obsession is straight(ish) lines. I really hope you keep drawing even if it just for yourself. I have no real drawing ability and I always wished I had taken some art classes or at least tried to learn. I can make a pretty mean stick figure though. When you ask me to draw you something and I draw stick figures the first one you always call “Daddy” the next one is “Mommy” and the last one is “baby.” On second thought maybe you shouldn't’t keep improving your drawing skills because pretty soon you won’t be impressed with my mad drawing skills.
So far this has been my favorite age. Everyday I am surprised by how many new words you are saying and how you are putting sentences together. It has been so much fun to be able to have conversations with you where you actually respond back. The things you say make me laugh so much and sometimes I can’t help but laugh even when I shouldn't. Lately you have a bad habit of ordering me around. “Sit mommy!” “Come here now!” “You do it!” and it is so hard not to laugh when I am being ordered around by a mini dictator.
You are still a wonderful eater and great sleeper. However, you do protest a little before doing certain things. When it is time for bed or a nap you inform us that “you don’t want it,” as if we are just going to decide that since you really don’t feel like going to bed you can stay up forever. Not one single time have you been able to talk us out of putting you to bed but you sure still try.
You also have some strange little habits. If you see your shoes anywhere within your reach you have to put them on right that minute. It does not matter if you are just in your diaper or fully clothed, you need to put your shoes on right at that moment. The really odd thing is usually you only want one shoe on. You will walk around for hours with just one shoe on. You still call your Dad “honey” all the time. I think part of him thinks it is cute and the other part is driven crazy by it. I am sure you got it from us calling each other honey but you don’t call me honey, just your Dad. He also swears when it is just the two of you then you only call him Daddy.
You are becoming quite the little Picasso. You will spend hours a day coloring and drawing. I was really surprised when over night you went from scribble scrabble to drawing circles. You have also started to try and draw triangles and your newest drawing obsession is straight(ish) lines. I really hope you keep drawing even if it just for yourself. I have no real drawing ability and I always wished I had taken some art classes or at least tried to learn. I can make a pretty mean stick figure though. When you ask me to draw you something and I draw stick figures the first one you always call “Daddy” the next one is “Mommy” and the last one is “baby.” On second thought maybe you shouldn't’t keep improving your drawing skills because pretty soon you won’t be impressed with my mad drawing skills.
You are always asking to go "potty" but once we get in the bathroom you will sit on the toilet for 4 seconds and then ask to take a bath. You now tell us when your diapers are dirty but it is ALWAYS after you have gone. I am trying not to pressure you because I know that you won't be still wearing diapers when you are 18 but it would be so nice NOT to have to buy diapers anymore. I guess I should know by now you will get there when YOU are ready.
This summer you have been such a little fishie. You had your times when you were a little scared of the water but you quickly got over it and you just love being in the water. You don't care if you are at the pool or in the beach. I actually want to take you to the beach a few more times before the weather turns cool. As much as I hate the beach watching you splash around in the water and dig in the sand brings so much joy to me that I can deal with a little sand in my bathing suit.
One of the coolest things has been watching your friendships with other kids really grow. You still have times when you let your bully streak come out but for the most part you are a pretty good friend (for a toddler.) You even share sometimes and it is the coolest thing to see you having a little conversation with a friend or sharing a laugh over something only toddlers think is funny. I can't wait to see what the next month holds in store for us.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
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