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Monday, January 14, 2008

What Made My Day Today

This morning when Lucas got up I had discovered his diaper had leaked all over his bed. Cleaning up pee is NOT my favorite way to start the day but I immediately stripped his bed and cleaned off his mattress. When Lucas saw me carrying his clean car sheet and blanket to his room he stopped me and asked, "That for my bed mommy, my car bed?" When I told him that they were for his bed he got the biggest smile on his face and said "Thank you Mommy! Thank you!"


Kirsten said...

I was just catching up on your blog. I read the entry where you took your own birthday money and used it to take Lucas to the Veggie Tales movie and buy him a special shirt. You're such a great mom! And it shows when your sweet boy thanks you for washing his sheets!

Lini said...

How sweet :)