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Monday, February 25, 2008

I Want To Cry

Today was the first day I felt half way human. I thought I was well on my way to feel better but HA HA HA yeah right. A few hours ago I started to get an ear ache and it HURTS! I haven't had an ear ache since I was a little girl and (KNOCK ON WOOD) Lucas has NEVER had one so I'm not sure exactly what to do (well except to get in the fetal position and cry "I want my mommy" but it doesn't seem to be helping with the pain.)

So does anyone have any suggestions or home remedies?

I already tried google and pretty much the most repeated remedy I found was along the lines of "pee in a cup then put it in your ear" and as much as it does hurt I just don't want to do that. The way things are going right now I can just see it would only lead to a bad infection of some kind then there I am in the ER explaining that the reason I have pee in my ear is because "google told me to do it."


Lini said...

how about garlic oil?

Liz said...

Jim swears that your own pee is the sure all for infections. Besides, gooogle told me to do it IS a valid excuse.

Kirsten said...

Girl, you better put some pee in your ear so you can get better! HA!

Stacey said...

Pee? Hmmm. I haven't heard that one. I have heard of warm oil, or putting warm compresses/laying on a hot water bottle. I also heard from Kellie to put a clove of garlic in your ear. I'd do that in a second! But I've had sooo many ear aches / infections growing up, I vividly remember the pain. (mostly swimmer's ear, for which you use 1/2 vinegar & 1/2 alcohol solution, not pee)