Leah is said I had to do this so I am. ;-)
A- Attached or Single? Married almost 7 years
B- Best Friend? My sister.
C- Cake or Pie? Cake, but it has to have frosting (Mom)
D- Day of Choice? Tuesday. I get to watch Lucas play with his friends at playgroup in the morning and then in the evening I go to my small group/bible study and hang out with mine over a good cup of coffee.
E- Essential Item? camera
F- Favorite Color? it changes from day to day
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? Bears
I- Favorite Indulgence? nachos
J- January or July? July! I love the 4Th and it is also Lucas birthday month and I LOVE planning his birthday party. Plus you can go swimming in July.
K- Kids? I have one and want one more in the future if I can ever get Curt on board.
L- Life is not complete without? music
M- Marriage date? 08/10/01
N- Number of brothers and sisters? 1 sister, 1 brother, and tons of siblings-in-law
O- Oranges or Apples? Apples
P- Phobias and Fears? Don't really have any but when I was younger I was scared of waterfalls.
Q- Where is q?
R- Reason to smile? my friends and family
S- Season of choice? Spring. I love watching the flowers bloom and when the weather starts to warm up
T- Tag five people? Kirsten, Lindsay, Lini, Lisa, Stacey
U- Unknown fact about me? I would love to sing with a band but I hate singing in front of people. When I was in chorus in school I would never sing loud enough for anyone else to hear me.
V- Vegetable? I like most vegetables. I won't eat asparagus though and I only like onions if they are cooked and in something else.
W- Worst Habit? Not cleaning
X-ray or Ultrasound? This is really an odd question. I guess I would rather have an ultrasound. You don't have to wear a special cover for those.
Y- Your favorite food? cheese, it makes everything taste better.
Z- Zodiac Sign? Capricorn
Good catch!!! I didn't even realize that Q was missing, lmao. Oopsies! (but don't blame me - I snagged it somewhere!)
I will post this on my blog.
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