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Monday, March 31, 2008

Patriots Point

I wasn't the only one having a great weekend. Curt and Lucas had a pretty great time as well. They were able to get in another day of family time with Curt's Grandparents from Michigan. Then Saturday morning Curt, Lucas, and my Dad headed up to Charleston, SC to visit Patriots Point. I'm sure Lucas loved seeing all the helicopters and airplanes with his Dad and his Papa. Curt even made sure Lucas was wearing his helicopter t-shirt for the occasion.
When they got back to Savannah, Lori's husband, Tony was off work and was able to join them to feast on Steak and king crab legs. Sunday when Curt and Lucas picked me up we headed to the store to let Lucas' pick out a toy. Since Lucas was so great for his Dad all weekend he wanted to give him a special reward. We went down several aisles of toys before Lucas finally settled on a matchbox set of 3 planes and one helicopter. He has been proudly "flying" them around the house ever since.
More Pictures Here

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

I think it's so adorable that Curt made sure Lucas was wearing his helicopter t-shirt!