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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dear Lucas (33 Months),

I can't believe we are one month closer to your 3rd birthday! You are such a little ham and will do ANYTHING to get a laugh. Tonight we were sitting at dinner and you just started making these crazy faces out of nowhere.
You are definitely 100% all boy. You love anything physical especially if it involves running, wrestling, or kicking, hitting, or throwing a ball. You are always asking "where's my soccer" or "where's my football?" Also, almost every night you and your Daddy have these little wrestling matches and you get in these serious poses where it looks like you are preparing for some serious battle. Your Dad is already talking about you taking Karate class. I think it is a good idea because it is supposed to teach you how to respect and discipline and it looks like a whole lot of fun.

A few months ago I was worried about you turning into a little bully because you were having a hard time not pushing and hitting other kids. Lately, you've been really good at using self-control. In the past if another kid accidentally bumped into you or got a little to close to your personal space you would get aggressive. Now you are slower to react and quicker to forgive. If you see any kid anywhere they are your friend and you will go up to them and say "Hi, friend!" The other night it was getting pretty late and you asked if you could go outside and play with your friends. I told you that you could play with me or your father and you told me "No mommy, I want my KID friends!"
You always want to be on the go and HATE to stay at home. Every morning when you get up you name a friend or cousin that you want to go visit or you beg to go to the beach. I guess we are going to be logging lots of hours playing in the sand and the waves this summer. You would live on the beach if you could. We went a few weeks ago and stayed until you were cold and shivering and almost falling asleep and you still didn't want to go. I'm so glad we live so close to the ocean.
This last week you decided that you were finally ready to start potty training. I have been trying very hard not to push you but I was starting to feel like I was the only mom in our playgroup still changing diapers. I'm glad we let you take the lead though because like everything else in your life so far you just have your own time frame for doing things
The only real struggle we are having with you lately is that you are afraid of monsters for some reason. A few weeks ago you asked me to check under your bed to "get the monsters out." Then last night we were letting Jadie out to pee and it was dark outside and you didn't want to come out on the porch with me because you "hear monsters out there." I'm not sure where this fear is coming from all. You have even started trying to climb in bed with us in the middle of the night. Tonight I put you in bed and then your Dad and I went in our room and started getting ready for bed and before we knew it there you were trying to crawl up in the middle of the bed. We put you back to bed and started to drift off and there you were again. Your Dad marched you back to bed and we both went to sleep. A few minutes ago I woke up to use the bathroom and noticed all the lights were on in the house. When I went to investigate I found you curled up on the couch fast asleep. You are now saftely tucked back into your bed and I'm going back to mine.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,

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