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Monday, April 14, 2008

The Fuzzy Yellow Caterpillar

As we were headed to the car this morning, Lucas spotted a fuzzy yellow Caterpillar on the end of our rake. I don't think he has every seen anything that looked quite like that and didn't know if he should be scared of it or intrigued by it. I picked it up in my hand and held it out for Lucas to touch it. He very gently touched it with his finger. When I asked if he wanted to hold it he backed up and looked scared. I set it on the porch railing so he could just look at it. When I told him that the Caterpillar would eventually turn into a butterfly he kept looking down at it and repeating "okay turn to a butterfly NOW.... OK NOW.... turn into a butterfly!!!"

Since the caterpillar wasn't meeting Lucas' demands of an instant metamorphism he got bored of him and headed for the car. I ended up placing the fuzzy little guy on a tree branch. He of course disappeared by the time we returned home.

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