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Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Kindness of Strangers

Today we went to Curt's follow-up Orthopedic appointment. Since we were meeting Curt's mom and Grandparents for dinner afterwards we decided to just take Lucas with us instead of getting someone to watch him. I took our portable DVD player, headphones, and his new Curious George movie with us. Lucas sat perfectly still in the chair watching his "best friend' on the screen.... until the DVD player died after the first five minutes (and yes I did charge the battery...I guess it just wasn't charged long enough.)

At first Lucas was perfectly fine looking at magazines, then eating a snack, playing with Daddy's phone and taking pictures with it. Sitting still and just waiting gets old, especially when you are two. When we had been waiting about thirty minutes past Curt's appointment time (not counting the 10 minutes we arrived early) Lucas starting whining, yelling, talking back, hitting and acting out because he was bored. Just as we were about to take Lucas for a visit to the bathroom (and not to use the potty) this WONDERFUL ANGEL that worked at the front desk said the magic words "I have stickers! Would you like one?" She came out and gave Lucas a whole sheet of car stickers and told him "I never ever give anyone this many stickers but you might be back there a long time" Curt got called back 30 seconds later.

While we waiting in the exam room for the Doctor to come, Lucas put the stickers carefully on the front of his short one by one. Five minutes later the Doctor came in. He asked Curt if he was feeling better and if he was ready to go back to work. Curt told him he was and asked to be released for tomorrow. The Doctor wrote that down on a piece of paper, handed it to Curt and we were out of there. So WOO HOO Curt goes back to work tomorrow!!!!

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