They also had a craft time where the kids got to finger paint. They were "supposed" make pictures of flowers with their hand prints but Lucas liked the feeling of smearing his hands in the cool wet paint so he just painted his picture red and orange smears.
After craft time we headed over to see the farm animals and Lucas would run from pen to pen according to which animal was mooing, gobbling, or baaing at the time.
We didn't stay too long because Lucas was getting hungry and we didn't bring our lunch with us. Before we headed home though we did go see the Eagles. Since the last time we were at Oatland they added a giant nest. Lucas liked pretending to be a bird.
Right before we left a little girl and her mom were walking towards us. The little girl was about Lucas' age or maybe a little older. I heard her ask her mom if she could pick up Lucas and her Mom told her that Lucas was too big. The little girl walked up to Lucas and puckered her lips and Lucas leaned over and gave her a smooch right on her mouth. The little girl then quickly gave Lucas two lip kisses back before the other mother and I even had time to react. We both quickly assured each other that our kids were both currently cold free.
The mom and daughter kept walking and the daughter kept trying to kiss every kid she passed along the way. When they were gone I told Lucas "In a few years you won't be able to just go up and kiss strange girls like that, because of a little thing called sexual harassment.
I remember going to Oatland Island when I was younger. My mom took me, my brother, my sister and nephew. Seeing all the animals was really cool. A goat or something had accidentally escaped and we herded it back into its pen. We were heros. (He was proably out of his pen for a reason, but we thought we'd done a good deed.)
I like the picture of Lucas in the nest. It would have been funny if you had a picture of him sitting on an egg like he was waiting for it to hatch!
I tried to get the hatching picture! The kid moves too fast!!!
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