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Monday, May 05, 2008

Almost More Cuteness then the Law Allows

We found two kittens under out steps last week. Every since then Lucas has been calling them his babies and asking to see them and hold them. I gave in today and fetched them out from under the stairs and he was so gentle with them. He named the patchwork kitten Coffee and the gray kitten Squawky.

I just hope he doesn't get too attached. Those kittens are NOT coming inside my house and I think the stray Mama cat might end up moving them because she can be a little wacky sometimes.


Anonymous said...

I just know Kirsten's somewhere bursting on the inside from all this cuteness.

Anonymous said...

Awww, why not? I'm sure Jadie won't mind. =P

Kirsten said...

I am bursting on the inside. Too cute. I love the last picture with the light hitting his face. He's such a tough little boy it's precious to see him being so gentle with the kittens.