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Thursday, May 01, 2008

Where is the Spot in the Baby Book to Record the First Fist Fight?

Today is Thursday so we headed to the library for story time. Most of the moms and kids that show up on Thursday are in our playgroup and we all have a blast watching the kids sing and dance. Sometimes it can get a little wild with toddler tempers and tantrums but it is usually pretty tame.

Well, today I had to pull Lucas apart from his very first fist fight. He has a friend that is just a few days older than him. The two of them either get along really well or fight like cats and dogs and they will go from one extreme to the other in a matter of seconds. It was getting to the end of story time and me and the other mom notice at the same time that our boys are sitting under a table punching each other in the face with closed fists as hard as they possibly can.

The other mom and I of course run over to the boys and pull them apart and remind them both for the millionth time not to hit each other. The boys hug and don't even shed a tear and go on about their business. A few minutes later they are escaping together out of the story time room and headed for the front door out of the library. The two of them have been nicknamed "double trouble."

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

I'm surprised you didn't get a picture of the fight! I think it's funny that he and his accomplice were trying to make a run for it! Ha!