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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Curt's Father's Day "Craps"

Lucas was very excited to give his Daddy the special arts and "craps" project he made on Tuesday. We ended up painting it last night. Curt LOVED it!

Then at Church, Lucas made him a special butterfly picture using his hands and feet.

Lucas and I also made Curt a "Greatest Daddy" certificate that Lucas even signed. While he was "writing his name" he kept yelling out random letters. He spells his name a lot different then we go. I thought it was cute how he used straight little lines to "sign his name." (The certificate got a little messed up by the rain) We also made a "Greatest Papa" certificate for my Dad.

Curt REALLY loved everything. It was so sweet to see him get so excited by all the handmade gifts.

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