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Thursday, June 05, 2008

Now That's GOOD Parenting

Lucas' latest adventure involved a sharpie, the entire length of our living room carpet, the seat cushion of out chair, the dining room floor, the kitchen wall, the oven, and Lucas' clothes and body. The worst part of everything... Curt and I were BOTH in the room totally OBLIVIOUS at the time it happened. Curt was sitting just a few feet away from the couch at the computer and I was laying on the couch snoozing away. I woke up to Curt yelling "L-U-C-A-S!!!! GET IN TIME OUT NOOOOOOOW!"
We thought we had thrown out every single sharpie that we had in the house. Maybe Lucas has a secret stash. The sharpie line starts right where Jadie is standing and goes past Lucas well into the dining room. This picture was taken AFTER I steam cleaned the carpets TWICE (each time it fades a little) and after Curt cleaned off the sharpie marks on Lucas' face, arms, and legs. He still has sharpie in his hair on the back of his head.


Kirsten said...

If there was sharpie markings over Jadie's body, this would totally be a Dr. Seuss picture!

Unknown said...

Holy shit.

Liz said...

Oh Man!!! Get this kid a hobby! What a little stinker.