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Thursday, June 12, 2008

White Water Rafting

A group from my church is going White Water Rafting next month and I've talked Curt into us going along. I am so excited that I can hardly wait! We are leaving Lucas for the first time (we've been away from him before but never at the same time for longer than a few hours.) We will be camping and getting more use out of our camping equipment. (We were actually supposed to be going camping this weekend but at the last minute We changed our reservations. We are now going in September because tent camping in June in GA is just too HOT!)


Kirsten said...

How exciting! Have fun!

Lini said...

Sounds like a lot of fun!

jj said...

I went white water rafting for the first time last summer and had SO much fun. You'll really love it. :0)

jj said...
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