Yesterday I tried to take in every moment because it was your last day of being 2. Your Dad thought I was being silly. This morning you woke us up by coming to snuggle with us in bed for a few minutes. It was so nice since you like to cuddle less and less as you get older. While you were snuggled right next to me you informed us that you were now a big boy. You also said being 3 feels so much different then being 2. I think you already look older then you did yesterday.
After a few minutes of cuddling you were done and out of our bedroom. The house was REALLY quiet so I went to investigate what you were doing. I found you sitting on the floor in the middle of your birthday presents with two of them already unwrapped. I thought I had hid them (I know, I know, I should know better by now.) Originally we had planned on saving your birthday presents from us until later on in the day. Since you had already started opening them I figured there was no turning back now so we took the rest of the presents back into our bed and Daddy and I watched you open your presents. I LOVE this age. You were just as excited over your single hot wheel car as you were over your new train set. When it was time to go to church you didn't want to go because you wanted to play with your new toys. We went anyway and you had fun. Usually though, you want to hang around afterwards playing with your friends. Today, however, you ran straight for the front doors to leave because you were VERY ready for your birthday party.
The minute we got to your Grandparent's house you were ready for your party to begin. There was no way to explain to you that you still had to wait for three more hours for your birthday party while we set up and got the food ready. I was so glad when some of your cousins showed up early because you were so excited to play with them that you cheered right up.
There must be something magical about turning 3 because today you went down the big slide for the first time. Usually you climb up the first few steps and then change your mind and go back down the steps. Today you ended up sliding down four times in a row.
A few months back I asked you what kind of party you wanted for your birthday and you told me you wanted a dinosaur party. I had so much fun planning your party and making decorations with you. This past week you helped me make and fill a dinosaur egg pinata and make "dinosaur teeth" for a dino dig.

We kept trying to ask you for the last few weeks what you wanted for your birthday and you would always answer with things like "cake" or "candles." You certainly got your birthday wish fulfilled. Our friend made you a really cool dinosaur cake and you patiently waited for us to sing happy birthday before you blew out your candles.

You really loved getting to play with all your cousins today. I think it is so cool that you guys get to grow up together because I never had cousins that lived in the same city I lived in when I was a kid. It is also kind of cool that so far all your cousins on my side of the family are boys. I bet you guys are going to have a lot of fun together as you grow older. I'm also super excited for you to meet your new baby cousin in November.
Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
Looks like you had lots of fun, can't wait to celebrate with you on Thursday! Happy Birthday Lucas.
What fun!!
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