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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Week 1

For the online weight loss competition I am in we are supposed to weigh in every Tuesday. This morning I got up and decided to just get it over and done with. When I stepped on the scale my jaw dropped to the floor. I reweighed myself 2 more times to make sure the display was really right. All three times I got the exact same number.

Starting Weight: 271.8
Week 1 Weight:

Loss to Date: 5.4

I guess there really is something to eating breakfast, drinking lots of water, not snacking all night, getting off the couch, and making healthy choices (like eating fruit!)


Charity said...

WOW! Way to go!!! You are doing something right for sure!

Kirsten said...

Woo Hoo! Congratulations! I bet that's some pretty good incentive to stick with it! :)

Lini said...


Alyce said...

Way to go!! Congrats!!
Hey..Fiber One cereal is a good choice. They make great cereal bars too!!

K A R I™ said...

I've been buying the store brand version of the Fiber one bars and they are cheaper but taste just like them and you are right. They are good!

Unknown said...

You go girl!