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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Importance of Marshmallows

Since camping is our new "thing" I couldn't resist getting Lucas this sweet little set of toys for his birthday. I had a hard time tracking it down (when I originally tried to order it was out of stock) and it came in the mail today. He absolutely loves it and played "camping" all day long. When he first opened the box and laid everything out he asked me "Mommy, but where are the marshmallows?"


Kirsten said...

I forget how magical marshmallows are when you're a kid. They're akin to crack.

That's a cute little playset! I'm glad he's so imaginative and enjoys playing with toys!

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Anonymous said...

Way too cute...Kai picked up sticks at the playground on Tuesday and said she was "pretend roasting marshmellows" Funny how things stick with them now at this age.