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Saturday, December 06, 2008

What Lucas has Been Up to Lately

*Poured an entire bottle of garlic powder on our bedroom floor while I was at the grocery store.
*Stole my camera and took several million picutres of his feet, not sure if this was before or after the garlic incident.
*While I was in the bathroom, He snuck his advent calender from the top of the freezer. He hid behind his bedroom door while eating as many chocolates as possible before he was discovered.
*Poured a cup of OJ in his carseat on purpose.
*Begged his Dad to shave his hair off... then cried for him to put his hair back when he realized he had nothing to comb.


Corinne said...

You've got to love him! <3

Kirsten said...

Lucas stories are so entertaining! He's a funny kid!

Anonymous said...

yikes....glad Kai doesn't want me to shave her head :)

Charity said...

Well, here's one to make you feel a little better... Reagan was at my mom's for the weekend and apparently while she was "supposed" to be eating her breakfast at the table she was actually mixing my Mom's mineral makeup (that was left on the table) with her oatmeal! Totally wasted all the makeup!

AudreyRT said...

Hang in there Kari! I'm sure it's just a phase that he'll grow out of and then you'll look back and laugh at all of his mischief!