For the first time ever I am SUPER late with your monthly letter. The last few weeks have been CRAZY. I lost a good friend from our church and also your Great-Grandpa passed away, which has brought up the whole death and dying conversation up. Honestly, I'm not always sure how to answer all of your questions. They are tough ones and really I have questions of my own that I can't find answers to but that's okay. You reminded me that sometimes it is okay to just admit, "I don't know," and just take some things on faith.
On a lighter note, one of the highlights of the past month was getting to read a book to your class. Your teacher asked for parent volunteers just to come in and read for a few minutes and I jumped at the chance. You helped me pick out "Tiger Can't Sleep," and it was a big hit with your class. Everyone laughed at the end and I left your class on cloud nine. Later when I came back for your Thanksgiving celebration I had several of your classmates say, "Hey, Lucas' Mom, I really liked that Tiger book."
We had a fun Thanksgiving(s) and ate Turkey on 4 different occasions in one week. (You really LOVED pumpkin pie this year.) Sometimes it is a blessing and a curse to have to much family here. I always love getting to see everyone but it can be stressful sometimes trying to fit everyone in, but we always end up happy and tired. I guess I wouldn't trade any of the craziness after all. We are so blessed to have so much wonderful family close by. You could hardly wait for Thanksgiving to be over with just so we could put away the pumpkin and scarecrow decorations and get out the Christmas tree (which we did the first chance we got.)

You really love Christmas, but I guess most people do. You get so excited when you see decorations. When I took you to check out the Christmas trees at our brand new city hall you would have thought I had taken you to Disney World. I loved getting to experience the Holidays with you. It takes me back to my childhood and brings back so many wonderful memories. Your excitement is just so contagious. You've been begging me to buy wrapping paper because you want to wrap gifts for people so badly. So much so you've been wrapping your own toys up in white computer paper just to practice.
We just got back from a last minute trip to California. We tried to make it to see your Great-Grandpa Moore but he passed away right as we were flying out to see him. I am so thankful that he at least got to meet you when you were a baby. You loved flying so much and you really did great on the whole trip. When we got off the last plane I told you that I thought you were a great traveler and you turned and looked at me while you were pulling your suitcase behind you and said, "and I'm a great plane flighter too."
Snuggle Buggle, I love you to the moon and back,
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