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Sunday, June 06, 2010

Blurry Buses

Lucas' eye appointment at Emory is coming up in a few weeks and I have been quite proud of myself for not obsessing about it. However, I will admit there have been moments when I just hate the waiting and want just want to know what's wrong with his eyes and what if anything can be done.

One such occasion happened on Friday I was driving him home from school. A few streets from home I stopped behind a bus that was letting off children. Lucas asked, "Mom, why are you stopping? What is that thing in front of us? Is it a bus?" When I asked him if he was having trouble seeing it he said he couldn't really make out the what is was, just the yellow color.

For a second there I almost felt like someone knocked the wind out of me! My kid couldn't see the giant bus right in front of us!!! The very first thing he could suddenly see when he put his glasses on for the first time! And here he is not even a year later with a stronger prescription.... and buses now look like big yellow blurs.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there sweetie, I hope the appointment can bring you some - good - answers! (((((hugs)))))

Anonymous said...

Hang in there sweetie, I hope the appointment can bring you some - good - answers! (((((hugs)))))

Anonymous said...

thinking of you and sending good vibes your way (((hugs)))

KT said...

*hugs* It'll be okay! I got glasses in 2nd grade and my eyes kept getting worse and worse. My doctor said my eyes were growing faster than me (or something? I never understood when I was a kid. I basically have astigmatism.) But it'll be okay.

My eyes eventually leveled off as I grew older. I'm 25 now, and while my vision is very bad (-10 and -10.5), I do just fine.

My "school bus" moment was when I was in my doctor's office and he told me to look at the big 'E' and I said, "What 'E'?" lol!

Lini said...

Just echoing what the previous commenters have said... thinking of you, praying the appointment will bring good answers...