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Friday, January 28, 2005

I am so sick of Winter

So it is cold outside. I am wearing a t-shirt, track jacket and a thick sweater over it sitting in front of a heater typing this. I am even wearing shoes and socks to keep my feet warm. I know that doesn't seem strange but anyone that really knows me would know that I hate wearing shoes. 90% of the year I am either barefoot or wearing flip flops.

I am 16 weeks and a day! It seems to go by fast some days and some days slow. I really hope its a girl. I really hope I pick out a nice name. Last night I got a large chunk of the kitchen clean and I would have finished it up if it wasn't so darn cold.

Today I stayed in bed under the covers until I couldn't stand it any longer. Then I got dressed under the covers and left the house so I could get in my little tracker and blast the heater. I went to Goody's and returned two shirts that I bought in Bluffton that didn't ring up right, then went to Casual Male to use a gift certificate for Curt that I got in the mail... I bought him 2 shirts that cost me less than $2.00. A highlight of my day :)

When I got home I checked my Ebay Auctions that ended today ($120) with more ending tomorrow and in a couple days. And then I ran and hid under the covers and watched Oprah and her guests with nasty homes (made me feel better about mine!) until curt came home. We both layed in bed gathering courage to face the cold. He went in the office and played Sims and I made dinner.

We ate together and then I played the sims (you can get addicted really easily) and he is watching Sci Fi I think... yuck! Anyway I think I am going to go turn on the heater in the bedroom fold a load of clothes and start another then crawl into bed and watch tv. Tomorrow is Saturday and I just hope it is warmer!

My Mood : COLD Now Playing : Curt's freako show from the other room

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