I have been up since about 4 AM! I can't sleep! I just can't get comfortable in my new pregnant body! I have always slept on my side in a sort of fetal position, but now every time I try to sleep on one side or the other the top of my hip goes numb (like when your foot is asleep) and tingles like crazy or my hip will just throb. I'm not even really showing yet. I hate sleeping on my back (which isn't good after a certain time) and I don't want to get used to sleeping on my stomach because 1. soon it will be impossible 2. It isn't good after a certain time.
This will sound bad but the best sleep I have now is usually after Curt goes to work in the mornings and I take about an hour nap with the whole queen size bed to myself!!
I am still sick of this stupid cold weather but I know when Summer hits I will miss it! Oh well maybe I'll try and stretch out on the couch and watch the TGIF shows I taped from Friday or something. Man I still have 23 1/2 weeks of this to go...
My Mood : In a Daze Now Playing : The Sounds of being the only one awake
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