Well this morning I got up and saw a few drops of bright red blood on the toilet paper when I went to the bathroom... I wasn't scared at first because in the pregnancy books I read it talked about how a lot of pregnant women spot, plus yesterday I just heard my baby's heartbeat and it was strong.
Well I asked Lisa about it and she told me I should call Jill anyway (Lisa is my life saver I can ask her any question I have in the world and she gives the best advice) So I called the office but there was no answer to I called the emergency number for the midwife on call (luckily it was Jill) she happened to be in the office for a meeting so she told me to come right down. I was so scared that I was having a miscarriage and it was scary going there alone. I went right in and Jill took my blood pressure (which was high) then she gave me an exam, first she checked the heart beat and couldn't find it at first I was so close to crying I just stared at the ceiling but she found it... to make a long story short everything is fine, she took my blood pressure again and it was normal! I was just stressed the first time.I just have a yeast infection. (Which I have never had before)
When I go back in on the 20th though they are going to give me an early glucose test for gestational diabetes. Every time I have gone in for a urine test I have had glucose in my urine and both of my Grandmother's have diabetes. I just hope it is nothing. I am supposed to take it easy for the next week, no lifting. Jill is so great! I will recommend her to any of my friends for any female related things!
On another good note my eBay auctions are taking off! I have already sold one with Buy it now and most of the others have bids! I get so excited when I see things selling so well!
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